Published On: 26/11/2020522 words2.7 min read

Orgone Energy

Orgone energy was discovered by Dr. Wilhelm Reich. Reich was born in Austria in 1897. By 1922 he graduated from the University of Vienna as a Doctor of Medicine. During his study for his doctorate, Reich became a pupil of Sigmund Freud. Later he became the clinical assistant at Freud’s Psychoanalytical Clinic.

During the 1930’s, Reich was performing experiments with airborne microorganisms. It is during these experiments with airborne organisms that he discovered a special type of radiation particle. He termed this particle “Orgone.”

Although Dr. Reich never created Orgonite as it is currently produced, his ground-breaking research led directly to the methods of design and production for orgonite pyramids, orgonite pendants and other orgonite products for your home.

What are Orgonites?

Organites are a combination of organic resin and non organic metal shavings which both play a part in attracting and repelling energy.  The addition of a quartz crystal which, due to its piezoelectric properties, gives off a charge when it is under pressure.  These elements are used to cleanse negative energy and counteract the effect of electromagnetic fields around us.  It can help to improve your life physically, emotionally and spiritually.

The healing effects of an organite can be quite powerful when various gemstones or crystals are included.

Orgonites Benefits

Clears negative energy

The crystal inside an organite is under constant pressure due to being encased in resin.  This gives off a charge which cleanses the energy being generated by the organic and non organic elements of the organite, therefore bringing your environment back to a healthy, vibrant state.

Reduces stress, increase energy and balance your mood

Because it aligns with the crown chakra, the calming and soothing effect of an organite will encourage positive emotions and repel stress and negativity.

Reduces radiation and decreases sensitivity to electromagnetic fields

There are basically two types of EMFs: low frequency and high frequency. Low frequency EMFs are emitted by our electricity and appliances. High Frequency EMFs (also known as Radio Frequency or “RF”) are generated by wireless devices. Our body immediately has a stress response to these frequencies, such as headaches and anxiety.

By placing organites around your home, this will protect you from these negative energies by transforming them into positive energy.

Improves your sleep quality

The calming and soothing effect of an organite can promote a sense of peacefulness which improves the quality of your sleep.  Just place the organite under your bed or on your bedside table for the best results.

Orgonites in Meditation

Anyone who meditates regularly is aware of the importance of Chakras and activating them. Orgonite, combined with various gemstones, help in effectively activating the seven Chakras in our body, allowing a free flow of positive energy. When you place an Orgonite pyramid near you while meditating, you feel a push and pull of energy. This is the Organite at work, attracting and repelling energy at the same time, helping you cleanse negative energy and absorb positive energy.

Our range of organites include pyramids for the home, as well as pendants to keep your organite close wherever you go.

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